Vulture Spiritual Meanings & The Symbolism of Seeing One (2024)

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A guide to the symbolism of vultures and buzzards

Co-authored byBailey ChoReviewed byJason Zuk

Last Updated: March 11, 2024Fact Checked

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  • Are vultures good or bad omens?
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  • Totem Animal

The resourceful vulture has been a symbol of death and rebirth for centuries. Seeing a vulture or buzzard in your waking life may be a sign to let go of negativity and seize opportunities, but it can also serve as guidance when making difficult decisions. In this article, we explore the many different interpretations of vulture encounters and dreams, including what they symbolize and how they might bring meaning to your life.

Spiritual Symbolism of Vultures

Vultures are symbols of death, rebirth, purification, patience, protection, and new beginnings. Seeing a vulture is a sign to let go of the things that no longer serve you and embrace change. Vultures are considered a positive omen of new beginnings.

Section 1 of 7:

What do vultures mean spiritually?

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  1. 1

    Death and rebirth Vultures feed on carrion (the decaying flesh of dead animals), so most people associate them with death. In the spiritual realm, however, death is closely tied to rebirth, so seeing a vulture doesn’t necessarily mean something negative—it could be a sign of a spiritual transformation, allowing you to discover your authentic self and achieve your full potential.

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    Purification Although vultures are considered “dirty” animals, they play an important role in cleaning up our ecosystem. Vultures eat the flesh of dead animals, preventing the spread of disease.[1] Due to their scavenging behavior, they’re linked to purification and cleansing, with many people referring to them as “Nature’s Clean-up Crew."[2]


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    Patience When vultures spot a dead animal, they don’t automatically swoop in to feed—they wait for eagles to attack the carcass first so it’s easier to eat.[3] Vultures are patient creatures that respect the cycle of life, so they could be a reminder to be patient and trust the universe. Good things take time, and as long as you stay focused on your goals, you’ll be able to achieve them![4]

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    Protection Black vultures roost in family units and feed their young for up to 8 months after they've fledged.[5] Because they’re family-oriented birds, seeing a black vulture could be a sign that you’re protected by God (or whatever higher power you believe in), and that you have all the skills and resources to overcome adversity.[6]

    • Alternatively, seeing a black vulture might mean you need to set boundaries and protect your well-being.
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    New beginnings Due to their ability to soar into the skies, vultures are said to be messengers between the spiritual and material world. They can tell you when you need to move forward, or let go of the things that no longer serve you. In other words, seeing a vulture in person could be a reminder to embrace change and seize new opportunities.[7]

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Section 2 of 7:

What does a turkey vulture mean spiritually?

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  1. Spiritually, turkey vultures represent discernment. Turkey vultures have the best olfactory system in the entire bird kingdom, allowing them to smell carrion from miles away.[8] Their powerful sense of smell translates into the gift of discernment, or the ability to judge well. Seeing a turkey vulture is a sign to sniff out the truth and use your best judgment to make decisions.[9]

Section 3 of 7:

What do vultures mean in the Bible?

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  1. Biblically, vultures symbolize death, judgment, and God’s wrath. Throughout the Bible, vultures are associated with doom and impending judgment. A flock of vultures circling a carcass represents the fall of righteousness and the gathering of the wicked, so seeing this creature could be a sign to reflect on your spiritual journey and seek forgiveness.[10]

    • In Proverbs 30:17, the scripture states, “The eye that mocks a father and scorns to obey a mother will be picked out by the ravens of the valley and eaten by the vultures.”[11] In this case,vultures represent the fallen world and a dishonorable death.
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Section 4 of 7:

Vultures in Different Cultures & Mythologies

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  1. 1

    Ancient Egyptians believed vultures were devoted mothers. In Egypt, vultures were associated with maternity, compassion, and protection.[12] Mut, the sky goddess and great divine mother, often wore a vulture headdress of the New Kingdom queens to symbolize these positive traits.[13]

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    Native Americans view vultures as symbols of death and suffering. For most tribes, vultures are a negative omen of danger. They’re considered aggressive troublemakers that lie, cheat, and hoard community resources, and they’re even believed to bully other birds.[14]

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    Some Tibetan Buddhists rely on vultures to dispose of monks. If the body is exposed to the elements, it’s taken to a cemetery, tied to a stake, and undressed. Corpse-cutters throw pieces of flesh to vultures, or pound and mix the deceased’s bones into feed.

    • According to Tibetan Buddhist beliefs, there is no need to fear death, so human bones and skin are often used in rituals to dispel any fear.[15]
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    Some Zoroastrians dispose of the dead by feeding them to vultures. Zoroastrians believe burying or cremating the dead is polluting, so they expose the corpse in sunlight and allow vultures to do the work for them. This practice is only permitted in India, through the use of dokhma—a circular stone tower that’s open to the sky and allows the proper drainage of body fluids.[16]

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    According to Greek and Roman myths, vultures were used as medicine. Vulture feathers were believed to have “obstetric value,” and women often used them to ease childbirth.[17] Vultures were also considered a talisman for happiness, even becoming one of the symbols of the founding of Rome.[18]

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Section 5 of 7:

What do vultures symbolize in dreams?

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  1. Dreaming of a vulture represents change and the release of old patterns. Oftentimes, vulture dreams help you understand your hidden thoughts and emotions in waking life, plus symbolize the parts of yourself that you wish to change. Dream meanings depend on the details of your specific dream scenario, but dreaming of a vulture usually asks you to reflect on the past and make positive changes:[19]

    • If you dream of a vulture flying toward you, it’s a sign of good luck and prosperity.
    • If you dream of a flock of vultures, it might mean your loved one will receive lots of money.
    • If you dream of a vulture attacking you, it could be a sign that someone you love will betray you.
    • If you dream of a vulture eating your enemy, it signifies you’re able to overcome any obstacle that heads your way.
    • If you dream of a vulture eating you alive, it could mean you’re feeling overwhelmed by change and need to let go of negativity.

Section 6 of 7:

Are vultures good or bad omens?

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  1. Generally, vultures are believed to be a good omen. It’s easy to assume vultures are bad omens because of their association with death, but they’re actually quite adaptable and resourceful. Vultures can soar great distances without expending much energy, and their bald heads help prevent rotting flesh from soiling their feathers.[20] By adopting the positive traits of the vulture, you can overcome obstacles with ease.[21]

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Section 7 of 7:

Vultures as Totem Animals

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  1. If the vulture is your totem animal, you’re insightful, patient, and social. You’re not afraid to go after what you want in life, and you can find a creative solution to any problem. Even if things take longer than expected, you stick around until the end. With that being said, it’s important not to be overly optimistic because ignoring red flags can ultimately waste your time and energy.[22]

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      About This Article

      Vulture Spiritual Meanings & The Symbolism of Seeing One (25)

      Reviewed by:

      Jason Zuk

      Intuitive Psychic Medium

      This article was reviewed by Jason Zuk and by wikiHow staff writer, Bailey Cho. Jason Zuk is a Psychic Medium based in Tampa, Florida. He has almost 20 years of experience and has worked professionally as a psychic medium for six years. Jason works with people to confront obstacles and challenges so they can reach personal clarity. He is the Producer and Host of the podcast, The Social Psychic Radio Show, which is a seven-time Award Winning Podcast ranked in the Top 2% of all podcasts globally. Jason is also the Producer and Co-Host with Megan Kane of his second show, Psychic Visions Podcast, which is signed with ElectraCast Media. Jason received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Tampa, a Juris Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University, and an LL.M. (Master of Law) in International & Comparative Law from Georgetown University. This article has been viewed 14,726 times.

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      Updated: March 11, 2024


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      Vulture Spiritual Meanings & The Symbolism of Seeing One (2024)


      Vulture Spiritual Meanings & The Symbolism of Seeing One? ›

      Spiritual Symbolism of Vultures

      What does it mean when vultures are around your house? ›

      There are both short-term and long-term explanations as to why you may be seeing more vultures. The most likely short-term possibility is that there are animal carcasses somewhere in close proximity to your house. You may not be able to smell or see them but being specially adapted, vultures are able to.

      What do vultures mean biblically? ›

      What the Bible says about Vultures: a Symbol of God's Judgment. (From Forerunner Commentary) Matthew 24:28. In addition to a wake of vultures being a symbol of God's judgment of shame, a gathering of vultures also indicates a diseased spiritual condition.

      Why do I see vultures? ›

      They're nature's cleaning crews, says Wahrung, the creatures willing to dig in and rid the ground of carcasses that can otherwise spread diseases, parasites and bacteria. The ones you may see most often from your house or apartment window are either the black or turkey vultures, depending on where you live.

      What do vultures symbolize death? ›

      Vultures in Indigenous artwork and stories have variously been depicted as messengers of the gods, ferrying dead souls to the afterlife, or malicious spirits that bring death with them. Probably the oldest surviving representation of a vulture may be from about 11,000 years ago near what is now Anatolia, Turkey.

      What does seeing a vulture mean spiritually? ›

      Spiritual Symbolism of Vultures

      Vultures are symbols of death, rebirth, purification, patience, protection, and new beginnings. Seeing a vulture is a sign to let go of the things that no longer serve you and embrace change. Vultures are considered a positive omen of new beginnings.

      What attracts vultures to a house? ›

      Vultures are attracted to dead animal carcasses. If you have trashcans on your property, try to avoid putting smelly or rotting food in the trash can. Make sure your trashcan has a lid or covering. Finally, if you barbeque or grill, we recommend cleaning the grill or barbeque immediately after each use.

      What God is represented by vultures? ›

      Nekhbet, in Egyptian religion, vulture goddess who was the protector of Upper Egypt and especially its rulers.

      Who are the vultures in Luke 17-37? ›

      The Greek for vulture is elsewhere translated "eagle" (Revelation 4:7; 8:13; 12:14). Like the vulture, eagles are carrion birds. In the Bible and other literature, eagles are also representative of swiftness. Jesus may be saying that the end will come quickly.

      What are the beliefs of vultures? ›

      The association of vultures with death is very easy to understand, as well as the fear they often inspire. In cultures where death often seemed the ultimate final- ity, it is easy to see why people thought vultures had power over death. In Egypt, the bird was valued because of its abilities as a carrion eater.

      Are vultures good or bad? ›

      Vultures play a crucial role in our ecosystem. As scavengers, they eat dead animals, removing them from roadsides and other areas. Vultures not only cut down on the number of rotten, smelly carcasses but also reduce the spread of diseases.

      Do vultures recognize people? ›

      Tame turkey vultures recognize their human caretakers, and show affection to the ones they like.

      What is special about vultures? ›

      Vultures are scavengers and feed primarily on carrion. They rid the landscape of deteriorating carcasses and help curb the spread of dangerous diseases and bacteria. Their stomachs have strong enzymes that kill off dangerous toxins and microorganisms.

      What did Jesus say about vultures? ›

      34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” 37 “Where, Lord?” they asked. He replied, “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.”

      Why are vultures seen as evil? ›

      With their long, featherless necks and stern-looking faces, vultures are an easy target for people's fear and loathing. In books and films, they usually appear as a forewarning of bad things to come. And they are often used to describe someone who benefits from the misfortune of others.

      Do vultures mean bad luck? ›

      According to AnimalHype, since the vulture is a sign of death, many believe it to be a bad omen. However, in many cases, these birds symbolize good luck and are a beacon of rebirth.

      Is it bad to have vultures in your yard? ›

      The truth of the matter is that vultures are not a threat. However, they are heavy birds and can cause damage to property. Their sharp talons scratch the surface on which they land. They have unusually heavy droppings, these cause damage to property, dirty your property and are eyesores.

      What does it mean when vultures circle an area? ›

      Those are the three scenarios of what's most likely going on when you see circling vultures. They are either waiting for a turkey vulture to sniff out food, and just killing time, or they are searching by sight, or they are waiting for a larger, perhaps dangerous, predator or scavenger on the ground to finish eating.

      What does it mean if vultures are on your roof? ›

      What does it mean to see vultures on the roof? Vultures symbolize death, rebirth, and a needed ending. They indicate that you need to look at your life and see what needs to end. They are also symbolic of a needed cleansing.

      What does it mean when vultures stand with their wings spread? ›

      In the early mornings, vultures often will sit with their wings spread wide, increasing the surface area of their bodies so that the sun can more easily warm them. This is called the “horaltic pose”.


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