The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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8 THE OWENSBORO MESSENGER SUNDAY DECEMBER 9 1945 Troop Arrivals Corporal Alonzo Cain and T4 Robert May Owensboro arrived on the SS Le Jeune which docked in New York December 6 Others from Western Kentucky included: Pfc Jesse Roberts Princeton Pfc Ollie Thomas Cpl James Meade Pfc Joseph loyd Uniontown T4 Wallace Lockridge: Pfc Dan McKendree Morganfield Pfc Loy Dodson Sebree: T5 Harry Burgess Hopkinsville Pfc William Sanders loral was aboard the William Traviswhich docked at New York Decem ber 6 Arriving in New York December 5 aboard the Texarkana Victory Were Sgt Thomas Moore Jr and S'Sgt John Westerfield Owens boro 5 reeland Pruett ree for Asthma During Winter If you suffer with those terrible at tacks of Asthma when it is cold and damp if raw Wintry winds make you choke as if each gasp for breath was the very last: If restful sleep is impos sible because of the struggle to breathe: If you feel the disease Is slowly wearing your life away don't fall to send at once to the rontier Asthma Co for a free trial of a remarkable method No matter where you live or whether you have any faith In any remedy under the Sun send for this free trial If you have suffered for a lifetime and tried everything you could learn of without relief even if you are utterly discour aged do not abandon hope but send today for this free trial It will cost you nothing Address rontier Asthma Co 816 rontier Bldg 462 Niagara Street Princeton: and SSgt Harold Walden Hopkinsville T4 Henry Vincent Greenville arrived in San rancisco December 5 aboard the Alfred Smith Aboard the Mexico Victory which arrived in New York December 5 were T4 John Jenkins Sturgis and Pfc Hubert McRoy Central City Pfc William Hardin Dundee was aboard the SS Jonathan Ed wards which docked at Boston De cember 7 Pfc Charles Bernardi Ekron was aboard the SS Torrens which docked in New York Decem ber 6 T4 Marshall Edmonson Owens boro and Pfc Maurice Ramsey Manitou were among the soldiers aboard the SS Cranston Victory which docked at Boston December 6 TSgt Carl Everly Center town arrived in San rancisco on December (1 on the SS Ticonderoga Pfc James Cauley 1302 East Eighth street and Pfc Charles Nesmith 815 Triplett street arrived in New York on the SS James Par ker December 6 others from West ern Kentucky included: Pfc Calvin Smith Madisonville Pvt Wil bert A Rickard Sacramento Sgt Herbert Husk Henderson Pfc James Keys Lewisburg Corporal Ellis Tanner 1232 Woodlawn avenue was aboard the SS Sea lasher when it docked at Portland December 4 Others from Western Kentucky aboard included: T5 Howard Epley Drakesboro Pfc Clifford Bridges Princeton: Pfc Marvin Huff Olaton: Sgt James Lax Princeton 5 Roy Jett ordsville and Staff Sergeant Rob ert Simpson Point Pleasant Buffalo 1 New York Advertisem*nt The Chinese were using natural gas carried through bamboo pipe linoc In avtrl lirrlyf IVinlr liniicne I 20000 years ago Billion Dollar Building And Repair unds Needed To Modernize Schools architects orc designing modern spacious well equipped structures like this one 11 Naval Air Unit HORIZONTAL 51 Morindin dye 1 Depicted is insigne of ighting 52 Male cat 53 Violent streams VERTICAL Squadron 1 Pelt 2 Onward naval aviation 3 Narrate 7 Play on words 4 Shout 8 Early English 5 Us (ab) 6 Aged 9 Wapiti 11 Vehicle 12 Confederate 14 English river 16 Impediment 17 Visitor 19 Dutch city 21 Perfume 7 Separates 10 Retains 11 Roman philosopher 12 Rough lava 13 Thee 15 Redact 16 Impediment Answer to Prrvlono RA ilME AiRjT rog ue Lie LECTR I Ll i I lAlNIO A SnC STA 11 1 START IRA RANK Hl'1 A 3 I1HARTHY A SQHL A AR TUA UllgO I A A EriQlE NES REP RT 1 A RE 17 rothed fluid 18 Dreamy tale 35 Crafty 20 Abstract bcing4OTyi5e measure 22 Helped 41 Erect 24 Ranter 42 Inactive 29 Baronets (ab) 43 rom 30 Ages 46 Place 31 Street Arab 48 Lettuce 33 Whey of milk 50 Negative 34 Drop of eye 52 Size of shot 23 Species of stonecrop 25 nick name 26 Spars 27 Ambary 28 Average (ab) 29 Adorn with gems 32 homes 36 Barter 37 basket 38 Diminutive of Samuel 39 Mock 44 Beam 45 Slight taste 47 Native of Media 48 Mongrel 49 Convent worker jl I 13 ll 5 6 S5 lL fl 13 18 Bn iO ct a ii im 25 a 130 33 pH 135 31 0 I13 Hi JigHB iLS I New York The little red school house is due for some face lifting the American Association of School Administrators predicts War born changes will be built into new school designs Reginald Marsh nationally known school architect foresees an increase in cafeterias and lunchrooms "Before and after he says "these rooms can be used as study halls music rooms and club meet ing places Tile floors and wainscot ing will make them attractive and easily Selective Service findings have shown that greater emphasis should be placed on physical education and vocational training Gymns and play fields will be increased and where joint community and school needs can be served swimming pools may be installed An estimated billion dollar build ing and repair program in the im mediate postwar years will meet new school needs the association reports after a survey of 806 public school systems Lack of building since Pearl Harbor outdated schools 1 and requirements of new residen I tial areas make the new building program necessary Nursery schools originally set up in temporary building near war plants will probably lie made part of the school system Marsh pre dicts NEED MORE SPACE Census figures highlight coming school problems in the United States They reveal that 11057283 infants were born in the 1941 44 period against a total of 8548763 births registered in the 1933 36 per iod This is an increase of 2508520 or 29 per cent The need for school space resulting from this record war birth rate will first be felt in 1947 when children of the 1933 36 period begin to leave elementary grades and the bumper 1941 44 crop starts knocking at school doors Wartime population shifts census figures reveal will intensify the pressure on schools in many re gions Births in California for in stance are 97 per cent above peace years: in Michigan 38 per cent: New York 41 per cent Arizona 59 per cent Washington 77 per cent Louisiana 39 per cent and Mary land 53 per cent Remaining Charges Growing Out Of Strike At Ken Rad Plant Dismissed On motion of City Prosecutor Wil liam Wigginton all remaining prosecutions growing out of the re cent Ken Rad strike were dismissed in police court Saturday by Judge John Wood The action was tak en at the request of Mayor red Weir who said he had made such a committment during a conference last month with union representa tives following which the union which went out on strike October 9 voted to end its walkout Seven cases were dismissed Saturday Pre viously fifty six charges of breach of peace against union pickets had been stricken from the docket ollowing the motion of the prose cutor Judge Wood dismissed the fol lowing cases: Peter Noll of Cin cmnati regional director ot the United Automobile Workers (A of Li and Morris Weintraub of Newport ivy wno were cnargeci with banding and confederating and Silas Mayfield Lefty Self Miss Carolyn Cohn Miss Betty Greenlee and Miss rances Still all of Ow ensboro charged with assault and battery Noll and Weintraub and Misses Greenlee and Still were arrested on warrants taken by police while May field and Self Ken Rad supervisory employes and Miss Cohn were ar rested on warrants taken by striking union members The three policemen who took the warrants for Noll and Weintraub Deane Duggins Jesse Moseley and Robert Chambers filed a joint statement with the prosecuting at torney as follows "This Is to advice that if under all circ*mstances sur rounding the Ken Rad strike and ending of it you think it should be done we have no objections to your causing all prosecutions now pending in Owensboro police court and grow ing out of the strike to be dismissed Mayor's Letter to the prosecuting attorney was as follows: Hon William Wigginton City Prosecuting Attorney Owensboro Kentucky Dear Mr Wigginton: As mayor of the city of Owens boro I desire to relate to you on occurrence in regard to the recent strike at the Ken Rad in our city including my efforts and acts which were more or less successful in bringing that unfortunate occur rence to an end As you know the strike had been in progress for approximately seven weeks: the situation in Owensboro had become most critical there was very apparent imminent danger of bloodshed and those of us who had for days been trying to bring about an agreement between the union and the company involved had spent many sleepless nights in our en deavors As you know the strike ended on Thanksgiving morning The imme diate cause of the ending of the strike was an agreement which I made with the secretary of the Ken tucky ederation of Labor Mr Ed Wyler I readily and frankly admit NOW! Is the time to sell your car while prices are still HIG We will pay the highest cash price for any make or model To replace outmoded school buildings like this one i 1 iff SO I' Hill Mil XL I to you that I overstepped my au thority in making the promises that I made However they were made in the utmost good faith and with the welfare of our whole community in mind I realized that in order for the promises which I made to be ful filled it will be necessary for me to have the cooperation of ether offi cials of the city of Owensboro in cluding yourself and bespeaking of you that cooperation I would now request that you enter a mo tion in the Owensboro Police Court to dismiss all prosecutions which are now pending in that court and which grew out of that strike The reason I make this request is that I promised that all these prose cutions would be dismissed in con sideration of the ending of the strike The union has carried out its part and the workers are back at work I make this request of you in my official capacity as Mayor of the City of Owensboro as all of the acts spoken of above and promises which I made were made in that same capacity Very truly yours RED WEIR Mayor Saturday's action followed a con ference riday attended by the mayor judge prosecuting attorney Chief of Police Vernie Bidwell Com missioner Glenn Lovern Patrolmen Duggins Moseley and Chambers James Johnson vice president of the Kentucky ederation of Labor Steele and Clyde Watson John son and Watson were members of the group that met with Mayor Weir at his request on the night of his successful move to end the strike Mr Steele attended riday's Con ference at the request of Mayor Weir who called it together Mr Wilson told the officials In the conference that as city attorney he had no hesitancy in recommend ing the dismissal of all prosecutions growing out of the strike He said he believed the mayor acted in the interest of the entire community when he sought to end the strike and prevent further disorder and bloodshed Mr Wilson prefaced his remarks with the statement that he believes that Owensboro's word had been giv en since the mayor acting in an of ficial capacity had made the com mitment and that he believed that it would be regarded by labor as a breach of faith on the part of the city if the prosecutions were not dis missed I MORTUARY Dr Thomas Morrison Dr Thomas Morrison 76 who for the past eight years had made his home in Owensboro with his brother Dr'Robcrt Morrison 128 West ifteenth street died at the Owensboro Daviess County hospital at 11:45 a Saturday following a long illness Dr Morrison was a son of the late William and Asenath Taylor Morrison He was born at ern Creek Jefferson county and joined the Beulah Presbyterian church at ern Creek in his early youth He was associated with his brother Dr Morrison here and later mov ed to Cairo Ill where he practiced dentistry for forty years He is survived by the brother and several nieces and nephews The body is at the Owensboro neral Home 734 rederica street where a short service will be con ducted at 9 a Monday by Rev John Olert pastor of the ourth Street Presbyterian church of which the deceased was a member Burial MOTOR SALES 212 West 1st Street PHONE 804 PLATE GLASS I' MIRRORS Large Selection jj Attractively Priced 69 50 will be in the Calhoun cemetery at 10:30 a Monday with the Ow ensboro Elks Lodge No 144 having charge of the services at the grave Pallbearers will be Shown Owensboro Priest Barney Morehead red Gibson Epley Dr Ritchie also of Calhoun Eulis Crowe Eulis Crowe 43 formerly of Owensboro died at the Marine hos pital at Evansville Ind at 9 a Saturday The body was returned to the James Davis uneral home 1001 rederica street here No funeral arrangements have been made He is survived by six brothers Lo gan Crowe Owensboro Wilbur Crowe South Dakota Alton and Charles Crowe Evansville Virgil and Elmer Crowe Los Angeles Mrs Commie Keeler Mrs Commie Keeler 69 of 1409 East Twelfth street died at the Kentucky Convalescent Home at 7 a Thursday uneral services were conducted at 11 am Saturday in St Catholic church with the Rev Bowling VG pastor officiating Burial was in Elmwood cemetery Samuel Roach Samuel Roach 80 of Blytheville Ark formerly of Owensboro and Henderson died at his home in Blytheville at 12:45 a Saturday according to word received by rel atives His wife Mrs Siotha Roach preceded him in death nine days ago Surviving are two daughters Mrs Dorothy oster and Mrs Pearl Lamb of Blytheville two brothers Roach and Roach Ow ensboro a sister Mrs Nora Kirk Hartford and several nieces and nephews uneral services will be held in Blytheville Monday Decem ber 10 Charles Mitchell Central City Ky Charles Mitchell 87 retired farmer died at his home near Central City at 11:40 am riday of pneumonia Mr Mitchell was born in Hopkins county and was a member of the Presbyter ian church He is survived by three daughters Mrs A Gish Mrs Nealye Grumbles Central City Miss Myrtle Mitchell Madisonville two sons Mitchell Louisville and Mitchell Paris Tenn six grandchildren and five great grand children The funeral was conducted at 2 Saturday in the Tucker uner al home at Central City with the Rev I Nash pastor of the Pres byterian church officiating Burial was in Nebo cemetery Hopkins county Grandsons served as pall bearers Sidney Laffoon Sidney Laffoon 68 Carbondale section farmer died ri day at Hcpkins County hospital of influenza He was admitted to th hospital for treatment Wednesday He is survived by his wife Mrs Nora Laffoon who is seriously ill of influenza in the hospital here Mrs Lawrence Lutz Madisonville uneral for MrSj Brunett Lutz 35 near here who died late Thursday was held riday at Oakley Home church Burial was in church cemetery She is survived by her husband Lawrence Lutz three children Wayne Darrell and Jane Lutz all at home parents Mr and Mrs Noah Jones Nebo two brothers James Jones Nebo Walter Jones Evansville one sister Mrs Gene Poole Madisonville and grandmoth er Mrs Alice Campbell Nebo Sao Paulo with a population of I 380000 is the second largest city in Brazil and the third largest in South America NOTICE! All American Legion members interested in or ganizing Legion Drum Corp are requested to meet at Memorial Hall Monday night at 7:30 Boswell Commander "NOT OR JUST A DAY BUT ALWAYS" rr nllLyRH Iharaony house! Living Room Suites A Gift or Home and amily! 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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.