Studying the Positioning Accuracy|Point of Selection|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official Web Site (2024)

Causes of Error in the Positioning Accuracy

The causes of error in the positioning accuracy include the lead angle accuracy, the axial clearance and the axial rigidity of the feed screw system. Other important factors include the thermal displacement from heat and the orientation change of the guide system during traveling.

Studying the Lead Angle Accuracy

It is necessary to select the correct accuracy grade of the Ball Screw that satisfies the required positioning accuracy from the Ball Screw accuracies (Table1 on Lead Angle Accuracy ). Table20 shows examples of selecting the accuracy grades by the application.

Studying the Axial Clearance

The axial clearance is not a factor of positioning accuracy in single-directional feed. However, it will cause a backlash when the feed direction is inversed or the axial load is inversed. Select an axial clearance that meets the required backlash from Table10 and Table12 on the Axial Clearance .

Table20 Examples of selecting the accuracy grades by the Application

ApplicationsShaftAccuracy grades
Machining centerXY
Drilling machineXY
Jig borerXY
Surface grinderX
Cylindrical grinderX
Electric discharge
Electric discharge
Wire cutting machine
Punching pressXY
Laser beam machineX
Woodworking machine
General-purpose machine;dedicated machie
Industrial robotCartesian coordinateAssembly
Vertical articulated typeAssembly
Cylindrical coordinate
manufacturing machine
Photolithography machine
Chemical treatment machine
Wire bonding machine
Printed circuit board drilling machine
Electronic component inserter
3D measuring instrument
Image processing machine
Injection molding machine
Office equipment

Studying the Axial Clearance of the Feed Screw System

Of the axial rigidities of the feed screw system, the axial rigidity of the screw shaft fluctuates according to the stroke position. When the axial rigidity is large, such change in the axial rigidity of the screw shaft will affect the positioning accuracy. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the rigidity of the feed screw system ( Studying the Rigidity ).

Example: Positioning error due to the axial rigidity of the feed screw system during a vertical transfer

Studying the Positioning Accuracy|Point of Selection|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official Web Site (1)

Transferred weight: 1,000 N; table weight: 500 N
Ball Screw used: model BNF2512-2.5 (screw-shaft thread minor diameter d 1 = 21.9 mm)
Stroke length: 600 mm (L=100 mm to 700 mm)
Screw shaft mounting type: fixed-supported


The difference in axial rigidity between L = 100 mm and L = 700 mm applied only to the axial rigidity of the screw shaft.
Therefore, positioning error due to the axial rigidity of the feed screw system equals to the difference in the axial displacement of the screw shaft between L = 100 mm and L = 700 mm.

Axial Rigidity of the Screw Shaft (see Axial rigidity of the screw shaft)

Studying the Positioning Accuracy|Point of Selection|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official Web Site (2)

Axial Displacement due to Axial Rigidity of the Screw Shaft

Studying the Positioning Accuracy|Point of Selection|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official Web Site (3)

Positioning Error due to Axial Rigidity of the Feed Screw System

Studying the Positioning Accuracy|Point of Selection|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official Web Site (4)

Therefore, the positioning error due to the axial rigidity of the feed screw system is 11.6 μm.

Studying the Thermal Displacement through Heat Generation

If the temperature of the screw shaft increases during operation, the screw shaft is elongated due to heat thereby to lower the positioning accuracy. The expansion and contraction of the screw shaft is calculated using the equation (43) below.

Studying the Positioning Accuracy|Point of Selection|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official Web Site (5)
ΔℓAxial expansion/contraction of the screw shaft (mm)
ρThermal expansion coefficient (12×10-6/℃)
ΔtTemperature change in the screw shaft (℃)
Effective thread length (mm)

Thus, if the temperature of the screw shaft increases by 1℃, the screw shaft is elongated by 12 μm per meter. Therefore, as the Ball Screw travels faster, the more heat is generated. So, as the temperature increases, the positioning accuracy lowers.Accordingly, if high accuracy is required, it is necessary to take measures to cope with the temperature increase.

Measures to Cope with the Temperature Rise

Minimize the Heat Generation
  • Minimize the preloads on the Ball Screw and the support bearing.
  • Increase the Ball Screw lead and reduce the rotational speed.
  • Select a correct lubricant. (See Accessories for Lubrication .)
  • Cool the circumference of the screw shaft with a lubricant or air.
Avoid Effect of Temperature Rise through Heat Generation
  • Set a negative target value for the reference travel distance of the Ball Screw.
    Generally, set a negative target value for the reference travel distance assuming a temperature increase of 2℃ to 5℃ by heat.
    (-0.02mm to -0.06 mm/m)
  • Preload the shaft screw with tension. (See Fig.10 of the structure on Method for Mounting the Ball Screw Shaft .)

Studying the Orientation Change during Traveling

The lead angle accuracy of the Ball Screw equals the positioning accuracy of the shaft center of the Ball Screw. Normally, the point where the highest positioning accuracy is required changes according to the ball screw center and the vertical or horizontal direction. Therefore, the orientation change during traveling affects the positioning accuracy.
The largest factor of orientation change affecting the positioning accuracy is pitching if the change occurs in the ball screw center and the vertical direction, and yawing if the change occurs in the horizontal direction.
Accordingly, it is necessary to study the orientation change (accuracy in pitching, yawing, etc.) during the traveling on the basis of the distance from the ball screw center to the location where positioning accuracy is required.
Positioning error due to pitching and yawing is obtained using the equation (44) below.

Studying the Positioning Accuracy|Point of Selection|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official Web Site (6)
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Studying the Positioning Accuracy|Point of Selection|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official Web Site (2024)


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